Thomas Poteet And Son Obituaries (2025)

1. Obituaries - Augusta

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  • Explore Life Stories, Offer Condolences & Send Flowers with Thomas Poteet & Son Funeral Directors obituaries and Death Notices for the Augusta, GA area.

2. Thomas Poteet & Son Funeral Directors | Augusta, GA

  • Obituaries · Services Overview · Our Location · About

  • Thomas Poteet & Son Funeral Directors provides complete funeral services in Augusta, GA. Call us today for pre-planning or custom planning options

3. Thomas Poteet & Son Funeral Directors Memorials and Obituaries

4. Thomas Poteet & Son - Funeral Directors | Obituaries

  • Obituaries and announcements from Thomas Poteet & Son - Funeral Directors, as published in The Union Recorder.

  • Obituaries and announcements from Thomas Poteet & Son - Funeral Directors, as published in The Union Recorder

5. Thomas Poteet & Son - Funeral Directors | Obituaries

6. Thomas Poteet & Son Funeral Obituaries - Echovita

  • Obituaries from Thomas Poteet & Son Funeral in Augusta, Georgia. Offer condolences/tributes, send flowers or create an online memorial for free.

7. Thomas Poteet & Son - Funeral Directors - The Tifton Gazette

  • Obituaries and announcements from Thomas Poteet & Son - Funeral Directors, as published in The Tifton Gazette.

  • Obituaries and announcements from Thomas Poteet & Son - Funeral Directors, as published in The Tifton Gazette

8. Our History | Thomas Poteet & Son Funeral Directors

  • Experience compassionate and personalized funeral services at our trusted funeral home in Augusta, GA. Pre-planning and memorial options available.

9. Obituaries at Thomas Poteet & Son Funeral Home in Augusta

  • Charlie Thomas Bennett, 78, passed away on Monday, July 12, 2021. Charlie was born on December 25, 1942, on his family farm in Lincolnton, Georgia. Charlie ...

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10. Thomas Poteet & Son - Funeral Directors - Sharon Herald Obituaries

  • Obituaries and announcements from Thomas Poteet & Son - Funeral Directors, as published in The Sharon Herald.

  • Obituaries and announcements from Thomas Poteet & Son - Funeral Directors, as published in The Sharon Herald

11. Thomas Poteet & Son Funeral Directors | Augusta GA - Facebook

  • Thomas Poteet & Son Funeral Directors, Augusta. 845 likes · 4 talking about this · 635 were here. Each family comes to us because they know we are...

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Thomas Poteet And Son Obituaries (2025)


Why most obituaries are still of white men from the death desk? ›

So why not more women and people of color on the obituary pages? (Why, for that matter, not more openly gay people, or transgender people?) The larger answer: Because relatively few of them were allowed to make such a mark on society in their own time. Universities may have barred them.

Who normally reads the obituary at a funeral? ›

This reading may be performed by a family member, a close friend, or a designated individual. The purpose of the obituary reading is to share important details about the deceased person's life, allowing everyone present to reflect on their accomplishments, relationships, and contributions.

What are the first lines of obituaries? ›

Ideas for the Beginning Paragraph
  • On (day, date), (full name of deceased) of (city of residence) passed away at the age of ____ years.
  • The family of (full name of deceased) of (city of residence) is saddened to announce his/her passing on (day, date) at the age of _____ years.

Who are the survivors in an obituary? ›

When you list the survivors, make sure that you list them in order of closest relation to the deceased: spouse, children, grandchildren, great grandchildren, parents, and siblings.

Why don t obituaries tell how a person died? ›

The obituary is typically written by the family (edited, then submitted, by the Funeral Director), so the cause of death is or isn't included by the direction of the family and not the newspaper.

Why don t people post obituaries? ›

Publishing an obituary can be expensive , and the funds may be unavailable. The deceased has few family members or friends , so there might have, unfortunately, been no need for an obituary. Obituaries are also written for the living so that they may learn of an individual's passing.

What not to put in an obituary? ›

When writing an obituary, leave out details that could be used for identity theft, such as the deceased's date and place of birth, middle name, maiden name and mother's maiden name. And don't include the deceased's home address.

What is the last sentence of an obituary? ›

Concluding Message

Phrases like “We will always carry your memory in our hearts,” or perhaps a favorite quote of your loved one are heartfelt and personal.

How do you say no funeral in an obituary? ›

Obituary Example: No Funeral or Memorial. [Full name] sadly passed away on [date of death] at their home in [place of passing]. They always spread joy and happiness wherever they went. As per [first name]'s request, no funeral or memorial service will be held.

Do you list stepchildren in an obituary? ›

How to list stepchildren in obituary? The step-children of the deceased are usually listed following the deceased's children by birth. Children and step-children are also listed in birth order from oldest to youngest.

Are girlfriends mentioned in obituaries? ›

How do you refer to an unmarried partner in an obituary? Typically, an unmarried partner is referred to as a spouse or simply as a partner. You can also list them as a surviving relative if you feel it's appropriate. The goal is to list them in a way that best reflects the relationship they had with the deceased.

What do names in parentheses mean in obituaries? ›

If you like to be technical, names should be listed as follows: first name, spouse's first name in parenthesis, then surname (ex: Tom (Sarah) Johnson). If the spouse or partner's surname is different, include their surname in the parenthesis along with their first name (ex: Tom (Sarah Williams) Johnson).

Why do some people not write obituaries? ›

Reasons a Family Might Not Want to Write an Obituary

While there are many benefits to writing an obituary, there are also reasons why a family might not want to. Some may feel that it is too personal or private to share with the public, while others may not have the financial means to pay for its publication.

Why do obituaries lie? ›

Obituary writers sometimes deliberately distort the truth in their stories. False obituaries are written for many reasons: concealing a divorce, excluding children from another marriage, exaggerating a deceased's accomplishments, or excluding certain relatives.

Why do I keep reading obituaries? ›

When we hear them, researchers say, our brains synthesize the hormone oxytocin, triggering an empathetic response. Reading obits can make you feel the fear and pride of an immigrant who started over in a new country, the awe of a mountain climber, the pain of an addict, the patience of a schoolteacher.

How do I look up the death of someone? ›

  1. Start an Online Search. Arguably the best way to find out whether or not someone you know has passed is to begin an online search. ...
  2. Check Social Media. ...
  3. Use Word of Mouth. ...
  4. Read The Paper or Watch The Local News. ...
  5. Go To An Archive Facility. ...
  6. Review Government Records.

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Author: Kareem Mueller DO

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Author information

Name: Kareem Mueller DO

Birthday: 1997-01-04

Address: Apt. 156 12935 Runolfsdottir Mission, Greenfort, MN 74384-6749

Phone: +16704982844747

Job: Corporate Administration Planner

Hobby: Mountain biking, Jewelry making, Stone skipping, Lacemaking, Knife making, Scrapbooking, Letterboxing

Introduction: My name is Kareem Mueller DO, I am a vivacious, super, thoughtful, excited, handsome, beautiful, combative person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.