The Times from London, Greater London, England (2024)

to it. 1 1, ten mu the we Len a 1 to I- el wul colours tr of out to of or is 1 5, st be of han of for OT in we to to -4 for in of to to a 17 of to 3 al LONDON. MONDAY, NOVEMBER 29, 1847. YAOMUTA 307 The VOTICE to the LION TN TREVOSE -FIRST READ. EXHIBI-, TEW chartered ZRALAND.

win AUCKLAND direct, a Trinity Landon, and RICHARD the 154h that to the intention el in FIXED the POTTER, this licur, ested A 0 mbiE he echibited at 4 fur Reel the evening of the Do Retry and 8, Lichts entineed will barn every at an night from of Fumet 904 to feet above NW For AUCKLAND direct, 124 of the brig and RICH ARD DART 1 for of 129 feet This and POTTER, Commander in Katharine ste of the feet 6 ward to R. W. ON. taking freight for J. HERBERT.

Accretary. barque will have immediate tone trader, Centutnder BOMBAY direct, and For sail from the Katharine of January ship EMILY, A3 further particulan apply to H. With and 5, Crosby In the London freight to OPORTO, by the Continental Cattle Steam Phip. Comps glendid new PREP the ith December, the London and to Oporto lying shout in the India Esport Dock. To all TRADE BOMBAY, to sail CLARK, the and Decanber.

do harque DAVID Commander the freight, to be made to Mr. man the Cum any Futened, This KONERT ship es cellent temporary office, 10, Mark lane Dick, Keller, sad May, Muscory enri: or to Mr. J. H. R.

Pice, broker, 10, Water freight to the Comand E. Royal MADEIRA and SIERRA LEONE, under enof the Mil of lading. regular trader, under on the of December, which a wit the to Her Majesty BOMBAY direct, a barque MORA 317 netter, Ken. Indis Commany, and has Commider in the Wet India Dock. Good ado the remarkably fret and er river fastened, built, action, to and an experienced For freighter ply the Commander, or to D.

Punter 6 rate London and CrEshouse, M. Penchurch REGULAR BOMBAY dinet, to sail from brig DART. A 1, tons Gravesend the and Southampton, to early in miendid at tons, the be: built and fitted up for roglater, This 1 chip AD 1,000 the mead to the infety and of This EDWARD ship HIGHT. Com. a quarter deek 44 feet long.

a India Docks has very superior bedding, Children errante half price. will an and experienced 14. Docks Apply to the or Greet and 64. MADRAS direct. ADKIRA REGULAR The new NOTICE Cartain DUNCAN, will receive light Contion fich hole COMET, 260 calling tone, Capt.

Portmouth JOHN for AIRTA, wiT wall from Katherine Pecks, until Friday nest, the The brig 246 LOD4, ONE, C. R. DA VIS, wait agsie the Market, Cornhill: or to red of December. Cornhiti. Fare C30, Including previsiona, wine, bedding.

ke. Children and and CALCUTTA, to sail from expresly -price. for the confert and enn mil wery of month, and end other are errant Ane packets MADRAS retire invalide January, of and will embark at parencer, For freicht of to W. I. Rayden; Lloyd's; of January, the quendid fat salting at neph Reid'w, S.

Sun court, Cornhil. 900 intr, to POLLOCK, Commander: lying in the MERICAN FOr NEW YORK. to sail so for the of December, the elegant new And ship Com hill, For 8, St. freight Martin of A pince, DAVID GERTRUDE burden 1.000 tone, coppered and fastened, or Commander: in the London Bock. This ship being built expresly for a for this trade, bet A 100- hill.

-The COLUMBUS, having dations for cabin are of a superior Docks a lofty and airy between decks for intermediate and in the Wet India till Wed For terms of freicht For freicht. 6. to James Da to Mr. Lemuel Goddard, merchant, of pomace apply be Thomson and Billiter-square. Gumm, (, King's Arms building, Cembill.

-For CALCUTTA LINE of PACKET SHIP- For Captain JAMES ARTHUR COX. BOSTON, to fellow the Charles Walton, to sail 1-t Deermber, all conde only, in the East India Dock, goods to be alongside and cistel on or before the 38h Nesembet, the chine disencased. to Met fine fast ailing American 1, bund 50 tops I finiad street: of to 0. E. and IVORY SMITH, Commander lying in the Londen Dock.

This ship has superior scoommodation for pees neut. For terme freicht of SHIPPERS and PASSENGERS to and apply merchants, to Captain 1, Abchurch Amith, hoard to Mown. Machost. Maris, Kings to lane of to Charles 4, brilt NIR GEORGE POL- Arms hutidines, 'Change alley, Cornbill. TIMOTHY Conthe India Decks for CALCUTTA THE TRANSATLANTIC GENERAL STEAM and Gravesend on the ith December.

Has PACKET COMPANY. making the passage by Apply to the Contuander, on board; of between HAFRE and NEW YORK, stents alope by Government frigates street. 450 bone powet each, taking their departure from Havre and New York with leave to call at the Cape during the winter casin as From Departures Havre- From dar the 9th of and will L.E MISSOURI 21 January 23 the fine teak ship ZENOBIA, 60 tons, LE PRILADELPHIA 23 February 11 Commander lying in the ft. Katharine's LE NEW FORK 21 March 21 modation for passenger, and will L'ONION April fright apply to Wm. The rates of pamage are an -14 Including lane, Lombard street.

bos; 24. claw, including wine, 330 fratio. Farther CAPE GOOD HOPE direct, regular cerning freight or panage can te ottained at the a rue d'Antin, Paris: rue do la Havre: principal part of her cargo enraged, and will ail per and Landon: and to Mr. P. Devaur, Tweet bet, the remarkably fad sealing British- Liverpool.

tons, coppered and copper fastened, The Florida Dock at Havre Leine open, the stent embark Commander: lying in the Lopdot Dock. and land their pa vengers at that port. rancement- have box made for Apply to that the detorture of these Torale shall be alternate with the Fenchurch stret. English packets. Agents for the Company, Proubet Garden and and MADRAS.

Fenchurch Toll the CAPE of GOOD HOPE Her Majesty's BRITISH and NORTH AMERICAN ROYAL shipping day the 11th of STEAM SHIPS, a pointed by the A2 niraity to sail tote reciter, cop between Liverpool and Boston, and between Liverpool and New York, AS STRICKLAND. Commander calling at Halifax to land and receive He and Th- exprosly fitted for and will carry an esperi BRITANNIA, Cantain W. HARRISON. to the Commander, a HIBERNIA, Captain AL.EX. RARIE 2.


of Her Majesty's Colonial Land and The four steam ships now building The SCOTIA. of America, ube Casaua, the chip Kiscara, and the Eureta. STRICKLAND, Commander, with a and The res-els appointed to sell from Liverpool HIBERNIA, for BOSTON. on the 4th of the 24th -ther, direct for CAPE CALEDONIA. for BONTON, on the lath of Deannter.

Poop estin will be taken st CAMBRIA, for NEW YORK, en the let of January, may not be le for including providen, but without to Table and £16 to Alges Hay, liquor, which can be obtained on lee. co cities bedding and utensils An experi- Does esch. For parage apply to 8, Cunard. Hallfar intel ty will be on bard. Lewis, deton: Edward Cunard, New York: 0.

and J. healthy colony, and every industrious and Burns, street, Glasgow D. and C. M'Iver, Water -strict, baiter his condition by emigrating of J. B.

Foord, 82, Old Broad Linder to the classes elicible fur free mince, dietary on application to John Marshall and THE WEST INDIA ROYAL MAIL STEAMrenin of at Baltic Plymouth. PACKET COMPANY's leave Southampton, 34 and MAURITIUS direct, for freight, paseen- 17th Orieans, of each and Mexico, menth, for the INDIES. LIOR currying mail and undernentioned fine find class veneti will On the 24 of the month the ship proceeds via conveying the days ted for that Island, Havana, Honduras, JAPAN Dec. 1: lying in the London Docks. Vera Crus, Tampico, Porto La Guayra, and Porte Oriesne, to Decenher 16; lying in the on the 17th of the month, via Madeira and ent Ducke far THO8 to January 1 lying in the and Juan de Madeira, St.

Domingo, Manta Martha, Docks. and parcels for and all aloe vinted by the later than three days prior to willer. Company's throuchout the Wed Indies, which are not enume to the owners, Meet. H. D.

and Jan. Myth and mted above, are conveyed by ench steamer, thine on the 20 of the vis Bermuda, and those re the ifth of the month via Madeira and OR CEYLON. will meet with quick Particulars he bad on the ten WM. LINTOS, Cen London of Southampton, where appliatice at parcels, packager, Dock Thisship has a poop, with continue to he received an bertefore for and will carry Arrangements to Tin Clement's on term- may he made by lane, to take the round of the whole toyage. CHAPPELL, of apply to L.

W. Winkley, 23, 5, street, London. N.B. are taken on freight Butadoes, COLOMBO. Point de Galle, Madras, and Demerara, de Grenada, Nicaragua, and Trinidad, Jace Jamaica, St.

and Thoman, them More 15 or ALE MAJoR, mander, accommodation on MERCHANT, the board: 8th or of to 650 lying tons, in December, the Pot coppered hast the freight India and tine Cruz, Shagena, Jamaica, Particular Cat as Ship 9, to At. de crge Island Juan Cuba, from de Pt. of throuch (Baytii; Naraa, Havana, London and mAy Fanta Mar. ba, Vera James Dawson, Billiter equare; London and frets or to Phillige Mr. George Dunlop, 2, Winkle street, clear or forward good- on their arrival at Southan if let to do so by the condenees, at their INDIA.

-Regular Monthly and licht Gords to NTWERP, Ostend, Rotterdam, and the Rhine.and oriental Steam Direct and Best Route from wall -The goods and parole Stain Naviestion Company's first este and STEAM SHIPS, starting from Southartet, the carrying Her Majesty's mail, the above pier for the 10th of mouth. For rates of every Wednesday and Saturday morning. At 10: for ANTWERP. to secure pa apply at every Thur day. at 9 morning and for ORTEND, 1 every day Mary and Saturday morning.

Next Wednesday, Pec. DASSENGERS for INDIA and EGYPT desirous 71, morning: Lombard Raturday, street, or 4th, 37. at 8 Reset.t rooming. To Billy. bertha, be, apply at circus, the continent are informed that' he secured to the AUSTRIAN LASGOW via The ORION.

Triete via Corfu and for ADMIRAL, PRINCESS ROYAL ADd COMMODORE. Tuesday. Fare. The steamer, Liverpool every Monday, Tue day, and the best winter route Saturday, a follow, Zah, thereof, may he had at the agency cernber 2d, 5 p.m.; 4th, 9 6th.

10 a.m. 7th, 10 rocket Compans, 137. at 11th, 12 mooD 13th, 1 p.m. 14th, D.IC. cabin, SHIPPERS of G00DS and PAR- fee.

and Agente and in Kobert Liverpool, Lamont Martin and Burts and GATION and ORIENTAL STEAM NAVI- J. B. Poord, 62, Old Hres4 street, -See Gaide, M'Iver Co. agent in London, INDIA and page STEAMERS tO Gonna FOR WA direct to the -office are STRAM to DUNDER. from Downe's-wharf.

shippers than when sent through any 96, Lower Kant Smithfield. Dundee, Perth, and London received up to the last day of the ptr.g steam ships mall as under. Pare, en and sill 6 on the 17th of each main mitt. steward's fee 34.

fore cabin, El. steward fe but exoced 140 weight The DUN Captain KIDD, Wednesday, 1. 9 for India of China man, under any eir- Chaplin's office, Regent 76, Com Mil or 11 Calcutta, and and 50 each The PERTH, Captain SPIN R. December a.m. the it be elen rod throuch wharf, te and M.

Wray, sole Agents in London, The Company will Apply at at the abore steamer he nock on the only he respons for goods consigned to them particular will be given on the office, 44, TEAM to DUBLIN, Plymouth. and Falmouth, taking for. Liverpool and Belfast. The British TEAM CHINA. -Regular Monthly Steam Whip Company's FREDERICK splendid HIGGINSON.

DUKE of WALL, CApE. and Light Good- to Penane, Ping- the 4th of al hall Pet insular and Orieutai Stearn Resent circus, and Dublin, Heifart, SENGERS and FOR FARD GOOPS stram Wharf, Lower Fart Amishfeld Inurances their steamer, frotn Bouthamp- scriptions of at moderate apply at the Company'e JAMES HARTLEY Co. or street, Southampton. Line of Packets between Lon- IVERPOOL to DUBLIN, every evening, at Regular o'clock, with Her Maiedy's Mails and Cabin ur der for mestioned will sail Log- One of the following -team the IRON DURN. dates named VICTORIA and CANTON- PRINCE, or leaver George's Pier -head for A.

HUTTON, Dec. 10. Harbour. Passenger leaving London by the mail train at 14 in G. CAMERON, Jan.

10. the morning reach Liverpool in time for Good- days to the above dates, cach this nregance to Daorn. Une or two vessels also mule daily, with conde and frein the spocie and re oti the of each Clarence Bock, Liverpool, for two hours hefore bien water. Lloyd'-, and are For further information apply at 33, drous, and 137, and every Leadenhall street. MARTLEY and Co.

of freirht or pamage RI ply to TEAM to CORK and PLY The Cork BATAVIA, will be quickly despatched, the Steer Ship Company's ADLER, new and TOOKER, storm she the HT WILSON, MORRIS, A 1, 300 tons next, Dec, 2, at 8 a.m., taking goods for Liverpool. Cabin fare FOR SAN OD DAVID tyine India Export For Dock. This ship bra 137, Leadenhall-street 33, Recent ciren, ADd Trutlin, Com- Le Orrk, deck, to Plymouth, deck, 54. Officer, ant 1 ur freight Woollett or Sephew, apply Belfat, and Cork Steam wharf, Lower East Snatch deld. Douglas to and Insurance effected en all descriptions JAMES goode at moderate premiurnA.

TOR SYDNEY direct, (Notice to Shippers,) last TEAM from LIVERPOOL to BELFAST three day 8th Decether, being under charter to H. M. Emi- times week. --The the tearly new, fast elling. Britishwhip City of Dablin Steam-ship Company's fell 510 with accomibodation lying in the St.

Katharine Dock. from LIVERPOOL tO BEL.PAST on the dates. and powerful new iron ship WIN will poor, Mymouth for embark. carries To-morrow, 30th, at 4 afternoon returning to ol every altimate of to An there Tuesday, and Thuriay. For of for very tone cond-, immediate airlication abould prestd tine freight to Lachlans and Lend, 62, Comhill.

(barley, and Malcolm, and to James and a apply to J. K. Roundthwaite, 24, Water street, Liverpool: Hill, USTRALIAN LINE of PACKET Co 137, Leaden hall street, London, To sell 10th of for STANEY direct. HERNE-BAY, (RAMSGATE the well known, ship EUPHRATEN, 750 tone, MONRO, Commander lying at the Landon-brider-wharf, Margate, at 10, from Brunswick Toundays, and Biack Saturdays, from and London This -pier did chip has a full poop, with tint and -pier, wali, for mhin her tween decks rate quarter to 11, by the fast and superior steam packets CITY of CANty are reinarkally TERBURY oF FATHER THAMES, Coaches from well ventilated, and offer a most excellent opportunity for Can number of intarmediate and terbury, also from Margate to Deal, immediately on the arrival the Acetage Marshall powercen. Apply to Fares, to or from HereW.

Tindall, owner, 4, Cement lane ur to and Faridge, bay or lore cabin, children, 4. to or Fenchurch street abin. children, 4. from Margate- saloon, Otto, 115, Fenchurch street, and SYDNEY ROYAL MAIL PACKETS, sailing London whart. the For let of SYDNEY each month dirt.

from Graves from nd, crying Her De- oysters are not in perfection wail the 1-t no conde on heard after the November, till they are sis years old. The real BURNHAM NATIVES fast wiline built ship JANE CATHERINE, A1. 600 that age are taken fronu the beds at in Essex, trans the mitted daily in four bours his the Fa-tern. Counties to This superior rewrl has stacious loading at the Jetty, and London Mi-hment of JOHN and 1- a medusary consequen are for the comfort of and aconmmodation every packed fresher and will travel better clan any supplled from the will waited far those the intermediate good London markets Barrel. No.

1, 4.: No. 10. ca. having height in and For tenus of freight of passace apply to Devitt and Moore, 9, Hi Very superior rooms, Reid's -tout and or to Henry and Calvert Toulmin, 31, Great St. Blabope- oyster establishment, 150, Cheap adjoining the General thee File street.

ERLAND PORT ADELAIDE. South and Co. RECEIVE and FORWARD 000D9, Packsee, ADd under to Her Mi jety' Colontration Parce's to ail parts of India and China. by the overland route, and the 2-ch December, the lendid, 1 calling. to all parts of the world by ailing vewels.

Every tint clam ship HOLTON, 141 tons register, JOIN DA Com- the shore may he obtained on application at their 2. -lying in the London Docks. This ship has a full poop, with court, Cornhill, 33, Regent crew, London, and at 54,. tint rate modatione for and will exJerusalem Coffechouse: For to freight Hall, or Brother, 2. Riches apply to court, Cart.

Lime Ingram, street VERLAND PARCELS to INDIA and CHINA. or to William L. Hotchk in, 3, Kart India chambers, Leadenhall street. -J. W.

TONKIN and Co, continue to RECEIVE ADO FORWARD GOODS and PARCELS to Calcutta, Mairas, Ceylon, FOR PORT ADELAIDE direct, a regular trader, each China, mouth, at Mediterranean, reduced rates, by the ai-o Overland Malle of the 34 9th of has the principal part of her cargo engaged, and will be de by steamers or mailing seis to any immedia for which An engagement will be civem, part of Southampton. the world. Apply at the 193 or High remarkably fart mailing British bailt ant clam ship BRANK- world. Passengers' baggage carefaily shipped to any part of the ENMOOR. 500 tons, coppered and copper fastened, WN.

CARR, Commander; poop, lying with at find the rate London Bock. for This cabin ship KNGINKS, Steam Engine Boilers, Hydrauand her pen decks heing remarkably lefty and airy, she offer a lie Aswing, and other Machinery. For BALE, STEAM opportunity for unher of intermediate and holler ENGIN from BA, of one bone, four home, horse power, 18 Apply to 34, Fenchurch two-horse to power, machinery to out timbet, and deals, circular fan saw tables, we shafting, drums, banda, HOBART TOWN direct, with immediate drilling machine, and a Apply sets to of Mr. three Medwin, threw pump engineet, hydraulic blower, despatch, regular trader, the remarkably fat vailing 5, Great Valen-treet, FOR A. ship 10CK, HIM A A 680 tons, coppered and copper splendid ship has a fall poop, at Ent rate for cabin Let on Hire, a COLLECTION of elaborate Commander: lyiar the Jetty, London Dock.

This LOVERS of the ARTS, Connoimeure, and her tween docks being remartably lofty, and airy, TORICAL WORKS Of ART. which are considered perfectly unique, a most esostient opportunity for limited number of intermediate nad would either he a valuable acquisition to selection of curt Apply to EAridge, Fen- or lat a form an of church -treet. prepaid, to A. A. you Lees.

Times. 19.719. PRICE. WITH A SUPPLEMENT, 5d. TWO Hansotn's white 4, DIVE with on it, De to any TAMES JAMEN 7.

Belera da aghter ADVANTAGE: addres will TO WARD tion bereby 1 of Dun The and it. Middle tent. The Hercules TALLIOTT the Mich. NIFTY suance Hench under the been lened his last place INFORMATION lend to the Morley a varda street, Holbern, Chelen. 10 breled Endand to Redaction re and thereen not hereby the who Sonde, at the Hits view this a cd led.

SACRED 09 s01 Caradori band and teerved St central M' Ford. the GRAND THIS I quire, to TION and the Committee neat, which No ricture, by and a- pilgrimaze Pixine of 1 RISI of Pete Plus Gouch, aker he Times. bet EVENING, the Gerani ROYAL manently the ture, this the in the ink. 2. of Nature, her Properties The An entirely Hyde's and VASINO CERT Mr.

C. concert Eatmordinary craphic roveruent, by crowde talented Polka, rate at of al next to cited. theatres. King park. out which improred highest they are bower troct, entering cold one ened Render, alutary, parallel.

eating 5, country moment's bath rooms prietor Arument or The lends of genuine Manutacury, POUNDS LEFT, in one of ORNEST SINGLETON, by the cabs, the 18th a DOUBLE LA BB, Doctor Hook pow be obtained with gold marked Pied Wien" between the Esellere, Richard Beulley, a restoring the in purple to Morgan and The Co, TEE NEW EDITION of POUNDS REWARD- LOST, Mon- be of all Richard Bentley, -S TRAVELS In WESTERN this on publisher ta ordinary to Her the Terminus of the OAR Eater Co BIG, the Rail pattern a TR. HISTORY. of the light leather at bottom avid sides, sere COURT, and Memoirs of the most, eminent Metaber containine articine of clothine, and 15, neatly hound, to published this day. but the ciner. Any person having taken by had of all booksellers New Burlingten it the line, will oblige the owner by cuttithe following Gilt, at Mr.

CHRISTOPHER TADPOLE- This new Duke-cret, Mt. whet the vili be Story, by ALBERT SMITH, is uhibbed sith by he Leoch, and Portrait of the Author, CAMPER. The HEIR at LAW New now bad Burlington of aft street. honk sellers threnchout the CAMPER. who tri hate teen born Rochabout 600- who diet at Mallet: In 1907, may HEAR THE COURT and LADY MAGAZINE to hie ADVANTAGE on applyine to Turner, December, now publishing, price D.

64. Debba and terrace, trodote. date street, Lincoln' inn of whom also may be had, MARY ANN STOCKITAM. the eidest Encland 145 and fall length and Authentic celel rated coloured women, Port? ve sincly, chiefly of the bate Mr. Jane Wiggins, in of am Mr.

R. RICHARDS, DAILY REMEMBRANCER Broad street, city, she will HEAL SOMETHING to her elegantly jointed diary, in various foras, of fun thine present the use of all and business as well an he rewarded for hie trouble fournale, memoranda, of ch ament, Richard, 101, A. PARISH TWO RE- lane, and of all stationers, 3c. GUINEAS will be PAID for the CERTIFICATE any informs- TURSERY RHYMES with the OLD be of the MARRIAGE of THOMAN Onllected and edited by EDWARD F. RIMBAULT.

with MANY danchter of James Price S. Carols with the Old Tunes, 1727 celebrated Hoar's Head Edward F. attention Lander, Cramer, Boole, and hi, Regent street er and particularly reggo tel and ad beck and music sellers. 44. shore he paid on a potication Mr.

60, building, Lambeth. Sericant NEW Co. work renectfully LA W8 of emors of the The earlier publi (late Vistirin and poo of thin party, of those who ty on theft the same to complete their seta as soon an to pretens Direct to 11. Mr. Hudson, new 1, Greer- fu making then up.

-October, 1847. Henry Butterworth, bookseller and Fleet stret. POUNDS in pur- 10 LONDON and of rule cranted by Her Cont of VINCIAL MEDICAL DIRECTORY, in criminal inferinatinn har teen nesinet CHARLES that intended for publication formerly af Jejas College, Cambridge, for writing and may be forwarded on or before the 10th of errialn fain scandalous, ani 1 and warrant Mr. sole agent for the proprietor, to the care of Mr. hand and of the Judges of the Court bath Princes struct, Soho.

of arsinet shade the ch and Charles marines, he Thompeon, found. Whoever tie will sway give frate TOPICS for the NEW PARLIAMENT to Gregory, Faulkner, Fairrow proved Inentue Tax and Real Free Trade, 44. 2. or to man. officer, requiring In French 1s.

J. The the of the said Charles Thompson Reform vet to he Accomplished, 1a. 6d. Relief for shore The said Charles Thompson was staying out Taxing England, 64. James Ridgway, Picendilly Hotel, Charine crow, during the latter part Hie booksellers, at an- shortly before the filing Harmarkel, of the infortation in Kier -All persons labouring He is shout year of age, bus shout distre sing and all those who are likely to inches in height, light whiter-, and eyes, coni- should read CHAT, of this day, which contains a recipe for has one lee shorter than the other, generally an! cure, at the charge of one halfpenny.

on one and in walking. Inded, with alt the news of the week, and three splendid of ENGLAND. Unclaimed Stock. -Office, 304, Strand. Application having been tande the Governors of the Rank ENGLAND its History, direct the are transfer from the for Traditions, FRANCIA.

In 2 vol. Second of the National Dent of the van of E21: 100 by to Hir Robert Peel. Extremely stanling in the of Join Minith, of Pitsleworth, ref toner, very for reading, and very valuable frt Jacob Gater, of Hants, genticumn, and al with which It has been prepared. Every page contains te the mid Commisioners in con equetion of the divi or worthy of being remembered." Willoughby and having been received since the 6th January, 153 Notice cornet, Patemoder row. aid riven, STOCK that, will be the expiration TRANSFERRED of three and monthe the from Priden this LIFE in INDIA.

Contents Pail, to CALEBI MORTIMER and History and Description of India The Government wigow, with the will annered of John The In lla Services- -4. Indian Navy- The India the ho ha ze claimed the Regulations- -f. The Choice of Routes to India-8. shall sooner at and make ent his thereto Travelling in India-10. Life at an Out Ladies in Health in India-13.

Table of the MITHFIELD CLUB PRIZE CATTLE SHOW. Henbton and Orders received by all The ANNUAL EXPIRITION 9th, toth, of and PRIZE 11th of December CATTLE. THE ROYAL BALL and EVENING Bazaar, Portman square Latin are enabled The Paris Fashiene and extraordinary Novelties national with perfect comfort, and for the better LADIES GAZETTE of PARITION for price of visitor a large saloon for refre-hment- this number of new tamer stren in any other work. Open from daylight t919 in the evening. Admittance 1a evening, walking, and tall dresses, cloaks, pelison, children's dreves, In end variety: four superb lates, HARMONIC SOCIETY, Exeter-hall- patterns, with tales, and poetry.

Sent, Friday December wilt be perfonned G. Berger, Hofywell street, Strand; and all Ontor Principal vocal pesten. Allen, Mie Dolby, Inker, Mr. chorus will consist above Perfenner Tickets MAGAZINE for wat, in the are or gallery, may be had principal contains Janos IT. the Revolution of bowler.

53, Charing fritorical by. and d'Este a Tale of Media ral Italy. By Thoma- Roscoe, THOP. BREWER. Soni Voyace in Search of 114th Bride of

By Willian 11.0 0 Kingston, Eat and the Destruction of Kacris. By W. Hughes, PSA1.M. When of Egypt came and Hand 1540 the Forty Rive." Alexandre Acis and Galaten." will he performed at The Old Stick's Petition-7. Farewell, Launerlot evening.

December fth, dock 11y Charles Hootin. mbatman and Tickets may he Lad Mr. Parker, publi-ber. of the prindral mu and at Exeter Area, in wotem millery of aren, a interested in the affaire of the Company are recommended scats, fire shinings, RAILWAYS AS THEY REALLY ARE. No.

2, price and Railway -For a full statement of HENRY SMITH (from America). Mr. the Railwar: They Renlly Are, No. 1. Leftler.

Mr. N. Aporle, Mr. Mr. Mr.

non and Brighton 4 correct view of the present Flower, Thomson, Miss Cubitt. elux this Railway la fully -he in They Really CERT. at the National- Hall, 242, High price Grent The of this EVENING, -fo November On 1 in Kherwood and will he- the body of the and to bad hook sellers. scata. 14.

64. The concert will cutamence at TIE MIRROR. Monthly Magazine for CONCERTS THIS Mr. The Herald and the Jew. 13y a DISTIN and his POUR SONS will perfone the Sat Hot shent your Chimneys.

My T. H. John Literary The Viton Thursday, December By Fauny -Brevities, from Jean Pant. b. Vocalist Mix the German, by John Van Di tin return the 4.L.

and the The Last New Nords--Dramatie potent and Fax Tubes, al Mirror, the Workhouse Clock, Review, The only at their repo story, Cranhourn -treet, Folame is now Kent and Richards, 51 and others are -purlone imitations. and all booksellers. for Now ready, Cornet and Sax the A Double price published. Translation ready, in price 5. 64, INSTITUTION, Volume of COSMOS Translated, KITISH -Notice trie Lieutenant Exhit it intended for EXITINI: SABINE.

autori Monsieur, de votes SALE the en must he sent for the ate orm-ion de claration, que la belle translation on Monday, the 10th, ani the of January Sabine enrichie de no et de notes betweeti the hours of 10 in the morning and 6 in the eveninz, after toute mot approbation, la seule tar inquelle J'at no picture other work of art wilt he Fair into lait man dan la de votro in water and drawings, are Humboldt' Letter to Mr. Murray, London, Longinan, Ra, will he neived which har been and Lonmats John Murray, special order, and not bons WILLIAM tide the of tee Ke ERASER MAGAZINE for December, Unrobil-hed Letters of Oliver Panorama of Grand -NOW by Thomas Carlyle- Tale OPEN. at the Panoradia Royal, Leicester equare, VIEW of the Dialogue on English The of CITY of CAIRO, from taken be David Robert tically Coneidered -Court Ilenekel Ven with mosques, minarets, and domes, the Norels, French and English--The Old Judge. By the eter and a preparatory 9am at to Mom. nf the Himalays and the Fisher Pick- The and Hanking-Fellr Hindotan, and of the cinete dits of Atb-ne, onen.

del a Letter from A. G. Reply to Professor Maurice- What Will the Government as NORMA, Jenny Lind in the character W. Parker, strand. the Fiela Henry del VIE Receimenta, and James Edwant the the Sixth, Meroes the Hardinge her or 2OHN'S ANTIQUARIAN LIBRARY.

the whole in new and mamificent dremes, got up for the pros December, uniforta with the standard 11 and from 7 till 10 at night. English Che Life Room, viA. TUM AUD and PONS, Monmouth, Gildas, and Richard ef street. This one of the best esbihitions in the metropolis, Dr. Giles, Portrait of Alfred.

The former Liam Chronicle of the Kings ef England Anti Hi-bep Rede's Moc'e-iastical Madame Warton's unequalled the Angle with man. -Vert severe TiNeaut in Vinine- will dune hare the WARTON, boneur having of DOHN'S STANDARD LIBRARY. for that production, a with Val. 4d. Meinotre of the in 3.

Master, non in the Stafford Gallery borough, with in Momit: nt. 3 o'clock This in dition- and Vol. 1 At the same time will be Warton appear all her original and inimitahle Alias, comprising 20 1 Maps and Military Plans, Vet us, Innocence, Ariadne, Campaign-, price only 61. The recent Erenine nerformance at half standard Library History the Lamartine's of the Girondists, Vol. 35.

The extraordinary Lenapby of Life art Philosophy of Lanenage. PANORAMA of LONDON by NIGHT. now put- bf Florence and Prince. Tami's History of Painting, fited and exhibited during the day. 2 Li Cote's House of Austria, Vol.3 evenice from 7 till illuminated, half- and past 10.

music The introduced, superb Museum therehy of THE MAN in the MOON fer December. brilliantly renderine most attractive promenade in Lon-ton during the winter after- of Green Rille. --The following regulatione will be The of Sculpture, Con-ervatories, Cottace, publication of the numher of the MAN in Blanc. Stalactite Caters, Clawle Ruins, from 11 till 6 There will be no throazh Fleet evening the whole ext thigion Me Admision, day or even- Paul's churchyard, of street, rescept fer parches Children and schools half -price. c'olock a.m.

on Menday, the 2th. Barriers will he erected to break the pressure of the crowd, and the ground will POLYTECHNIC Friende Household Cavalry, commanded by F. M. the TWO LECTURES by IN. BACHHOPFNER one on the Laws this Ant appearance on Antire service since 1815.1 in reference to the Important Subject of Sanitary Measures generally belle red, bat, it te great fact.

that on the various modes of Ventilation. In which the Physical the Man. in the continues to be the of a Jet of star wiThe Exhibited, with Norel and highly In- 17, Warwick-lane. Paternoster-tow, and sold by ail Experiments alternately daily th at the 2 and evenings, half at 8 3 dock. Thee lectures THE HORTICULTURAL MAGAZINE diven o'clock, except on 3t.

Electric Telegrarhe worked. The Working Mode Dererber, No. -1. The Dahlia and New Aeries of Itiwolring Views, Diving Bell and Diver. will G.

Glenny- The Hyderancer and its Culture.New for amering under Water, Re. A Cel-il and its Culture 4. The Kragman-in and half price. Gar Lenin and Its Culture The Cone bearing Plants, their and The The Triptilinn KIPPERT': SOIREES DANSANTES, Prin- Diplademta The Nor Mon. Pulcherrin.a- The New Dallia for 1545, by G.

dinena is entitied to an admission fot him The Plants, be T. Moore --14. The New Garden night- two the Single tickets, 74. each. the Year -15.

The New Flowers of the Month-14, lady any for Palsce Randi de conducted by himself. M. C. Mr. Calen Tilnstrated with 10 The rite by Alfred Weippert, frin Gunter's.

Cotu- Cox, King Wham street, strand. haif-rest Tickets and programine: at 21, Hoho square. SERVICE MAGAZINE, de VENISE, 218, High Holborn, and Military Journal, Ninetornth for 1847. licensed purmant th Act VOCAL of Parliament -TO DAY. Monty.

France, from fumi-hel by the Minister of Improvements of the Century- -Nuitary GRAND and INSTRUMENTAL CO and Michigan- Recollections of the Otowa in and Wells, Miss J. Wells, Sidney, The of the Ilaines River- -Memoirs of Hodges, and Mr. J. w. the eminent enmic: din Gor- Commander of the Carlit Anny- The Siere of unriralled hand will perform a of the mist fa-hinnabie The Fusilier.

at By guber of a Words selection valtzes, qua for Landon. dancing, in the Inost elegant 14 Alton a History Europe during the French Revolution a room to Doors open at 6, for Ireland- -The Peninsular Medal -Operations in New 7, hall balkiest close at half-past 11. Admission la, Hazarty- A fairs of the Cape of Gond Hope- -Stations AURENT's CASINO, Royal Adelaide Gallery, and News of Navy, the Month. Promotion- H. and Hunt, publisher, Appointment, King all Willian- the with Every The Merry Song and the Mazy Danceof Talent Vocal, Instrumental, and Chore.

SIMMONDS'S COLONIAL- MAGAZINE, Grand Pal Part nightly, introducing the rhythmical December, price tid. contains the following interesting in all Its varied, araceful, and fascinatine phases, Blustrated The Kafirs and the Cape Colony -2. Um the Cuiture of a de fotees of the lively goddem, Laurent's highly Cane, and the Manufacture of its. Products in Trinidad, hand of 60 perfor -all the new and most fa-hi- natie with other Colonies by H. J.

Anith-3. The Dying Indian Quadrilles, Galope and Waltzes. Refreshments the most, Companions, by Miss E. L. Montaz Ceylon and Doors open at concert half past; ball at 9 and tenui Port, by Dr.

C. Elliott-5. Prate of Affaire in Norfoik half-past 11 o'clock. Admission 1s. Natural Production of Australia--7.

Arctic Expertition of Ray Company Reininisences of Cuba, by C. F. Ellermoh, ROYAL Grand ITALIAN Night, OPERA, on Tuesday, Covent Decernher 7. -A of New None in the Brunwick, Hush, by by Dr. a tie --10.

On On the Building Commerce Pose the best and BOXES rosy he had, on moderate terms, louies, by Mr. A. A. Dorant -12. Watern Canada ALLCROFT': Opera arid theatre nzency office, 15, New Hond-treet, Field -13.

the RIce uid Progress of Steam On Longe Hotel, for which enrly application is respectfully soli- Beviewa: Sir Robert Schomnburgk a History of Barbados: Also the best Private Boxer, Lightly, for the Lyceum, and ail nil Mars, Rargo Colonial Latest Intelligence. London, -14, New Bond 6, yard, Bucklersbury. CLAUDET'S DAGUERREOTYPE THE SOLICITOR'S DIARY, Year-Book, POR- 1-44, is now ready, fu large TRAIT ESTABLISHMENTS are OPEN DAILY at 18. 64. data, two days to a rage, ditto, with a William street, Chafing cross, and at the Regent'- It contains The Diary, with all the usuni Me.

Clandet's portmite are invariably taken non-inverted, with- mercial, and Railway Notices and Memoranda- -4. The it there can he no true likene when colored by -Solicitors Act in full, with Notes on each Clause, and ail they form the most exquisite up to this time-3. A and an Analytical Index to all the last Session, with Notes on the Act legal USSIAN VAPOUR BATHS, 3s. -These The New with the A of the extraordinary resources to produce immediate perspiration and Directory, containing all the ustial Information required pain are kept always rely for immediate administration, in the ion corrected up tuthe latest Date 6. A complete Banking state of perfection.

Ar medical agents in the cure of disease with the Naine of every Bank and Banker in the United incomparable. Each hath is suppled with a profuse cleansing London Agent, Bank of England and of hot of cold water at Recent- Hankers, London, Gironmbridge and Son-, 3, Paternoster and at 5, New Rroad -treet, city. No fees to servants, be had of all booksellers, HOT-AIR BATHS, 3s. each, 10. NEW MONTHLY Arryil-place, Regent-stret, and 5, New street, On edited by W.

MABRISON these dient and delightful retreate, it may he likened to Mating Brooke, Rateh of The world farewell for congenial climate. The stay therein is New Year's Gift. By Mutame Colmache -3. Poetsen-atien of cornfort and content, and the exit bears with it a John Oxenford, Life and Reminiscences of Thetnas load. a cheerful heart, and refre-hed and well pleased man.

By Cyrus Journal of Whit to if you he used up," ill or sad, try No fees to servant-, Snake Country. Archibald R. M. -4. Willao A Graybeard about MERMAN RAIN, Shower, or Douche BATHS of bf George Acquaintance IV.

8. By Secret an Old History of the Court. The Minbetry, Any force, refreshing, decree, or or duration, 14. 64. 18 bathe for hare For Jaunts in the Jungle.

By J. Wilyame Gryll, Bran, sea-water, or alkaline hath, ed. sulphur fumi- Carpenter, -12. French Almanac- -13. A purposes there no kend-.

By John tenford, -11. The Maiden's Dreamt. mercurial, or other medicinal bathe, 34, ench shan- Pon-onby- Adrien Roux; or, the Adventures of a Dr. be extra. had for For the the curative efficacy of bathing, see Rath Dudley Costello, -15.

Love's to baking. -10, Argyll-pince, Regent street, and Drama in Paris. By Charles Herres, The Logic, By Anna Broad street, city. Cyrus and the Retreat of the Ten Thowand the Month. Chapman and ITal, 196, Strand.

WARM BATHS, with every domestic comfort, rooms, closets, toilet tables and appendages, MAGAZINE, Part washed delay, 14. linen, 6L civil each 18 for attendants, 21a. and Tickets no fees, and without 1st December, enlarged series, price In. Principal two Distinct Simp-on's Propellers- Turntables for ladies, 5, annual New subscription, Krond-street, pro- Tothi's Land place, Regent street, there that city. The Machinery Gibbon's Trawing and Girders a in the fertune on they shall not -Capt.

Smith's Marine Life and Property Farm Fire Engine -Field's Eballition manufactured of a Motive by 8. paratire of Chilled and Unchilled MORDAN and -This new, elegant, an most in- Water Supply and Fire for the artist and the amateur combines many advantages. on the Geometry of the Line and mechanically protruded from square tale, and offers co*ckle Magic of Wei back's a broad which, by a slight tarn of the Anger while Catechiem of the Blear Engine, and Main and furnishes the mesas of require spreading a and of shade therefore, or Indicator to and Inquiries New Patenta Granted to Davy- New a toe line. do not cutting, are, ever witbout and they are replaced without the least ditculty. Registered daring November, edition by 8.

M. Ca, for the are made numbers, price in pubbabed Friday to time Cumberland load, purified by patent and add Oly-ros4, London. uthor, 106, Meet Author of DUNCAN'S may INNS of of the and may be Comic 20 and for the Collee: Quoche of for adapted for private Martin's TUNES. LL.D., including the LL.D., Simpkin and COMMENher uftbe rolumes of difbculty Jaw ATIONAL BRAZILIAN MINING ASSOCIAis hereby that after the 4.5 1847, received account of the fourth sad at in of per JOHN By, order. Thrormorton-street, November 27, 1947.

THE REVERSIONARY INTEREST 80- CIETT, No. 17, King'e me sard, Coleman street, London, 200 The proprietor are to take notice, that the PAYMENT of the DIVIDEND commence on Monday, the 10th day of and be continued en every succeeding Tue lay, between 11 and 2. Also, that the tran-fer bonk af the Society will close en 18th of December pets, add re co the f0th of Jaguars, 1 C. G. CHRISTMAS MAGLE STEAM-PACK RT Notice hereby dives to the in this Company, het EXTRAORDINARY GENERAL be held at the London Coffeehouse, Ladgate the 13th day of December nest, at fi o' eleck le the evening the perpose of ba or dir renting froth a for be at ruch Mectus the Company, and authorizing the sale of the team property a ad effects belonging to By order of tre Board of NEW BON, Wardrohe-place, retaber 24, 1947.

OANS of MONEY Borough of Liverpool.The Health Committee of the Clounell of the of pool are to A of not lemn ShaD three of ave yours, bearing interest at the rate at 65 per nun, on security of the ratan authoriad to be made and the provi-lots of an Act of Pastinanent passed la the 9th and of the telen of Her presen! At Act for the meat of the sewerage and of the burough of Live and further provisione of tanking Interest be an the 14 of January and of July. Person millina to quested to adirom The Chairman of the mith Com Il. Liverpool," dating all By order, WN. Town Town hall, Nor. 25, respectfully PRO- GIANERATO, in the puss*s, near London December next President Charehill, The education siren whor* pursuita in after -1.

Im- peculiaris those ho suited are for to Social Erile the service of the Greatest and naval Ireland with- ment of large agricultural, and all at home or abroad. Prospectuses of the Princital, the Rev. under this Colleze, Cambridge, and catch It, Putney, near London. a certain medicine in- KIN DISEASES, Dispen-ary, 33, frontment and cure of Times, and akin diseases: whether edition. or the useful for are no classes of disease the care and diffeuit of treatment something country is but in ite Aspen- no opportanity for the experience of medical science, that these Brief No practicni good can of India sate patient-, until Anay-6.

cud re treatment of Life at Tonis, after devoting Station- having pored most Distances, request of pumerous booksellers. The Di-pen-ary in open consulted daily until 2 DRESSES. In the THE Rev. Double SCHOOL, in the office of MASTER cape, of becvining candidates 70 cations, with testimonial, free, for Old Broad-street, booksellers' and eetaher next. The about to in number.

December, of lenrning, Kingiand. and The religious 10A8 an prospect of Incrense, RPHAN Adventures: the The Prin- their sincere THANKS Yaq. Institution for their Dumne- SHAW. one of her Widee. her elf, with many 1AR, strand.

Ramshaw. those to road in- CLERK REQUIRE 14. 64. Lan- tive to foreign timber the affairs of Application with price 14, 64. be addrened to me, on condition Are, No.

1, caned office, Company will TOTICE is FREEHOLD building, the Shefbeld December, we alvertised to take Christian- POSTPONED. of Scaly the -Pierre Anew LONDON Translated Daily price 31, only. The and sheet of paper, and half-yearly all the news up to that Paternoster row, ratent double The London the electric telegraph English prices of shares, and Part 1 of the ewea-tie. will by desire Fleet street, city of Colonel be addre- A dervir en du Colonel WE et qui ont the principle of vivement the O.M LOGICAL -Raron year in Chri-tanas Brows, Green, Strati, London. price HASSANY Cromwell.

of and communications Paris Strate- Dietrich en and Ret in the Author Manchester price 64, the Matter found in highly important Do! London, Failure of the Tea Days, A Type of 1431 years and for and all price of Alfred. THE BANKING Cirencoster, fot 1448 containe volumes currency very valuahle Mallet's chant-, an 1 Members History facts on the currency niele Is may sion of the Bank and sons. 9. Paternoster Duke of Marlrole, with Ad- ENRY pulit-hed viz. -For Marl- air farori; volumes quatre mains: for Vol.

forming and Achiegel's Phi Herr Pi-chek. Jut Vol. 3 SHE History cumpurod by -Board not." pablt-hed. These Captain ballads observed at beard to be immediately the MOON Williams, 123, Cheapaide, street, after 'M a GENT," at the Adelphi he kept by the be Sold. with a Duke of Wel- Chopkine: price 14 will not representation the price of by Alexander Lee 4d.

-Oftice, side, comer of for TILE eleguntly bound, it- Culture, strumental compositions, The Hater bellished with Culture-6. The colours: forming Description Christinas pre-etit of Soho-square. Th Gleany--13. YOME Fruite for wing with The Garden sweet and effective Engravings, C. the faiz composer well cumbfned.

It by J. Reid, 55, and Naval post, free, for 30 War Education The In TEANNETTE Early Life of You are going my own tareinz." S. the of Nelson- script, written by -Martial law the palace to the they are inst the of the Jefferys, u1, Profession Strand. TIE fat ourite for Fizila del Reggimento articles Carpenter, of the Sugar by C. H.

s4 compared brated matatrice. Girl to ber born, and a0 shipping inquire for the 4. On the the Hudsop's THE GIFT and Industry DRAWING louse for the Winkle, Land Comprising ver, Emigration Lions to Orizinal in Ben gl. New ornamental devices, Author Beautifully mond4 and A. Hail and 95, and TULLINN'S three days to and for rage for esch allowed ta surpase Legal, Com- of sonar sue pinnoforte and are the Decisions New Fear's rift.

the Stat abet Price 18s: and 214., Proceeding 214. street, by the Profes TEW SONG, Legal Directory, by Mia ISAAC8, Kingdom, their age free. We had of. Foreign ballad We Set may rois, and hall. Fe hare now I thoueht of stele take rank with MAGAZINE.

London, Duff and for Kingof Pm ELSH Nature. be publishest or, Campbell. boards, the second Dabumey collection if Wehh Autumn. M84 in the his M. Williams, the and Times torical net jute pored to patronize Viennese of ancient By J.

their 'carl ent aquare. Courier. Savage- of CHUKAP Literature of GEO. KING STATIONARY to which so sell supplied: There contenta: they are -Bryant and allowed liberal prentice. Warchouse row, Laindon.

on the Dridges Com- FOR FIVE Ben- HUNDRED rent and fine scrap books, able pretent of the order An- 171, Utility RATING DAWSON and Lint of London A PONY under duty WANTED, 1 Hate either Vuidria Iron fimy or Bay pre strong, Piarticular, in good so pre said, with every and lowest price, ta De to post illy. 10 be SOLD, a EQUIPAGE, a Hag Pony Mare, that has been driven te Dover and with touch of whip, so puntie that mo manage her, with and tour wheeled fund Apply at 19, Ficturia to all ENGLAND. To be SOLD, the property of a a ant rate HUNTER, ap to one, and fast enouch for an, Jounds. To be seen at Davis a Job 'deverai here said nod just off red FOR old, SALE. 144 a Biz 1 action, fart CHESTNUT amt steady, MARE, quaset, ati bie is dal nt Apply to 4 84, at 185a livery Fleet street.

Price 10 be SOLD, decidedly cheap. thorough good HORSE, pert otis qruet tu ride and urnin the owner having no ase burn. Price A trial To he seen next at Que petreet. Also a and it SALE, a very handsome, well-hred, STNUT GELDING. 15 high, dm well, and has a all to hounds, he is aled broke to in re pect, and wul be sold a by the Three Nunne be SOLD.

a DARK BROWN PONY and with for Hoth the pout sun chaise are under the doe part Mr. Hicks, butcher. 7. 2, sq arv. TO be SOLD, a barmin, a pair of extraordinary powerful BAY COACH or FAN steppe and SCIENTIVIC AL the COLLEGE for CIVIL ENGINERRE.

bed Gasce the DORK of BUCCLEUCH, K.G. ta this Oblinge in intended for sone if gentlemen life are to be of a practical nature, and those who are to architects and proceed to the either as to or in of the Fast India fur the military for those who are destined to have the manage mining, and manufacturing either 7 -yitem may be lained by apparatie se the HOTTAn Come, M.A., late Fellow cf Mt. Jeho's Wrangler of their Treatment and Cure.Hamp-tead Fittroy-square. Physician, Dr. DISPENSARY OPENED for the those troublesome and we take iste consideration the frequency of the disfigurement by them in England, there that come ander the care of the man an ef the skin the study el them in this infancy, for ur to the present time there has surrout to study and it be only from the men, compinint- devoted he to this expected branch to of medic sing can he arise, either to the or te the homital and are establi-bed for the exIt in with this view Dr.

much altention and study to these and succesfulio their has complied with the friends and patient to open the above daily frets 10 to 1 clock. Dr. Innie many be o'clock, at Lie 33, FitzroyEDWARD HOLMNS TRUST FREE Leybourne, VACANCY having courred of the SCHOOL. all persons desirous for the office are requested to send their appliMr. George Bowen, the No.

London, on or tefore Antuplay, the lath of De. master must be qualified to instruct the writing, accounts a other asefu. duties to the prinelpies of the (bures master will hare an sonual enlary of with together with a residence and good WORKING SCHOOL. Ha widow and her friends wi-b to nturs. to the ladies and Governors of that kind support in electine FREDENIUR RAMnine fatherlew for which she thanks, your obedient humble Roche, The a CLERK, competent to keen books rela trade, the bending department shiny testimoninis, and statine age and or before Monday, the with of sext.

ADMUND L. ANT FLE, Moc. City Nor. 24, 27. hereby given, that the SALE of PROPERTY in Sheffield, comprising Bank and other mijoining which place on the 1-1 December next, indefinitely TELEGRAPH, a new London will he piblabed early in the new 184.

Londen Telegraph will be printed on larze foli publisbed every day at 19 o'clock at noon, containine hour. The Tekgraph will he printed by action machine, nt double the mend of any ether will contain the new by from all ef tbe country--thus the market news of the day, at Liverpool, apper: the London 185. Landen, where all communications are requested to detailed prospect as will he Peaty in a few WEATHER can only he calculated on attraction as in the Emay accompanying week next. Apply to W. and T.

P. 4r, 196, A LAM A for price la, for the price and ROYAL ALMANACK, 804 Nautical abo their Diary, for year 1840. order are forwarded to the publi-her, Hannay. 63, Oxford street. ALMANAC for 1848, 18th edition, the lat Nurember.

Content to All in Moore' and ether Almanacs: also numerou Events predicted: Louis Philippe and his Destiny: Crops and War in ac. A Lint of the Eclipse as the Death of Herod, King of Jaden, thereon. Aberwood and ALMANAC and YEAR a man of information relating to the for referetice asthe present time. Bankers, merof will fed in it a larger collection of than in any work published. The Mornine Chro be usefully refereed to during the Charter Prior London, R.

WYLDE: NEW COMPOSITIONS, the pianoforte- Grand Sonata in major, Fantide sketob iD Marche Triemphante pour the voice- and ich bin so sehr 5 of Schiller and Goethe man by by R. Mil, 140, New Bood-street. HAPPY ballad of great interest, Bruce Captain- Songs, BRUCH, Grenadier Guarde Just Belc Ted Gemidine." And Grieve are becoming very popular, and need but to be appre dated. Price 2a, each, sent post free. J.

ef Word -trees. now singing by Mr. Wright at Theatre, in the of Shakespeare Blouse beautiful portrait of Mr. Wright, in the chameter of Also, just View on Silver with of Shake House at Stratford, composed price J. Witlams, music publisber, 133, CheapWood-street.

MUSICAL BIJOU, for 1848, NOW ready, containing a choice colleation of 70 Posal and inby the most distinguished etareelendent astrationa in gold, silver, and the most off ring which can be tinde an a a new gift. Price 18. D' Aimnine and NIGHT. DEAR NIGHT," new duet, the by the Misses Willinnt. an com Musical Review.

This credit. The melodies are fowing sod the vocal parts cannot fail to etre plenure. -Spectator. Pubti-bed Maker-street, Portman and all By stamps. and ready, far away," 2.

the coropanion a Cheer. up, ARG the duet, From the field of fiche rethree forming the dries entitled Songs of a ConCharles by Oharles Alover. From cottage tHose will force their way everywhere things for a verid vide popularity. London, square. LANGUAGE of LIND'S CANZONE, Fate by her with 40 much ire La com posed Benutifu Denizetti.

The poetry by J. Author of Venice, "and the adapted embelli-bed with the only correct of this cola Price 1. musicseller: or pod free, sending 20 Ofeerve to Language of Hone. BOOK of the SEASON- -The ROOM TABLE BOOK. Malted by Mra 8.

C. 24' highly fininbed from Warren, Levie, Daniell, and others, being Tales, by the and. Poetry by living printed it. asch page enriched with Price siogantly bound sod die. London, Paterson ALBUM for 1048 is now entapletenes, elecason, and university any other a so luction.

The contents consist musieby the tr net eminent and the numerous and appropriate for a Christmas prevent It the most interesting nature to the binding. London, Julien and and all music "I THOUGHT of THEE," sung composed by 5. L. MIME, price sent partfarourably Mr. Hime's charming meet wth great effect by him rat Vans.

the minending his new composition, ayating character, will immedithe moot of the day Hodgson, 01 the lit of will by antly and in elothi muse. an. extensive of Ref, John CHIN PARRY, And from Editor, with notes, on hir. this Price to work Those who may feeldie. mast: wieh to pomere a complete cot British convenience are requerted to torward their names to the umaine and Co, 20, BIBLES, Prayers, and cheap and stationers are informed that his long for bible and the manufactor) FANCY known: a prayer The trade only no shep fr ct so.

espare and dazance Abe lawn di-count. the bands etationers and A re 204. youth Wanted, 37 an pertaide free by. post, ONE besutifa! PLATE from the Anngal, all diffe of adapted for albums, or fancy most and a on declined .200, for dd. of Orders the LONDON new oniz sis jears old.

a Binea (baryer, 16 high, sacellent a ant-raze Bay and is beautiful an ON 13 trine At a Vibebury Kepo-lt ac well street. HORsE and CART SALE. The horse perfectly and quiet so sod driven the in super us at ha cart tuari, axion, and handles, suitabie for any requinur truneth and at street, Leicester-equare. A fauttable for a ve useful turalture Phaeton, deal two Spring set and Stable for 2 2030. te divided if The mare i4 bit tery and genuine lot.

A satisfactory quiet. fut the deporal Tow a price. Apply to Mr. Macon if Ahoreditel. Church.

ATCH or BROUGHAM HORSE.of the property gent. can be referred to, a HORSE, 15, high CHESTNUT coumze with fery grand nation, and has driven du ribale harpew: price Abon Stope, 15 Dation high, haul to ride and drive, and can trot with case pride d. ho to be at ion and a trial A PAIR of OARRIAGE GELDINGS. TwO and very superior inter, he by erder of the cutore "The carriage bore hays, with brunis, black fired, step together, with emm 4 the cute ate hudsome, quiet in harness, and surer. sad lle hunter 149 by Sultan, euni to 17 stone, very in the field, an fencer, and fret.

A iberi groom, 4 ford nuarly opposite de stables, TWO valuable Dray or Builder's first- lass CART HORSES, standing from hanus sis yearselt, in benutifil condition, high, and coloure dean in Bay at thele foot and legs, active, and bred by are now consigned DINGY for PALM, Top-itory, Barbican, of December by of Friday who has no further tee Or view and Mr. fad two day before sale. TY will be found superior to any market for the sale of mauroad, cart, min, other hor en and A ACTION iN etery St. Wednesday, for which homes The and HALE by he sent on the Monday previons, to ensure insertion in ent Horses baring -tally en caged be sent before 4 o'clock Mondays, of the pinces will be Bile flood stock, The days of payment fur of the ale are catarday Tao and afondays upon production of the printed recoi pt. E.

Carriage Gallery pen for for The the kale of carriages den as well as auction. pubic is respectfully So fake notice, that the He Conured to of saies by auction and there being no dealing the part the prongietor, nor any empinged by hire, operate the prejudice of either buyers or and that we circ*mstances is the practice of misrepresenting the owueribip of ever resorted to MNIBUS, Railway and Wazzon HORSES. weft pack WAGGON with their Harness, two neat, nit DIXON will AUCTION, on Friday inch cart, and capital spring van, tho geaulne 80 Go abridge, which vo Seen working the Angiun fly Rail and conseq of the of the Eat very tne Horses, lei on the recount property of the of works to red and for the oft the 15 ren-on. Aim Outbus, Hack, and Chaise Horses, the property of an old di coach and fly inn-ter, and sold in of entirely discontinuing this line of business. N.B.

This repository will be found to any markus for the sie and cart, min, boner, and open for the reception uf hot: carriages, barbers, lot ave auction every Friday the greatest attention paid to such lu for ale, and every pains taken ranke the best porrible af Che public are infortued that their bores will be accordiog the they are ent which should he one days previous, to secure good Cacriades of all descriptions pus a part of the sale. arrived from the Hartz, 1,000 CANARY BIRDS, stalking the nichtingale ante, with quarre vending and descending. besides other tunes For SALE at Mr. Colberg's, 19, Miaories, near the A best Light description, to BROUGHAM be 90 L.D and cheap. at CLARENCE.

Greet, of the Premises, a lantid for uxhibition, to be Let. 2 be SOLD, the property of a go Trentleman, a very light and BROUGHAM, made for with one or tWo Has been very little used, and wilt be sold at no great sacrifice. May be 16. 71, Li Queca-scroot, CHARIOT, as clean and 18 good as new, quite modern, and bung hummer upon upper and under springs, with patent and having cloth, hind 30 well as ail appointinents; also a belonging to the samo Brougham for SALE Mortimer TOR SALE, together or separately, a very ham come CLARENCE STREET C.AB, basis by a rate aak cero little the worse for of 160 capital iloner, that have been working the same, and two Lames The owner the will sell them Hood bargain, and they are well worth only attention. Apply at 3, lane, city.

to be SOLD. a London CHARIOT, with metoloth and to Del: haw been very hit Also a Brit in good conditi. with German shutters, a rumi le behind, and travailing boxes implete. Both Walter and Whitehur-t. Atey a set of double Immed, Inquite she premier, 49, Lyull-mews, for she conchman, frum whom nil 4 gulars can be obtained.

PHAETON, by Laurie and :00., Oxfordelegant and expensively cont three months vi com el 10 Upon Respection it will be found a rate is hat and nishion- also forming a perfect dog cart phage to light, with pole, shaft, and Collinge's contieman in quest will and it a great bargain. To be seen pit, af and Co. 'k, Lanzham-pince, Regent freet. A blue, Splendid picked out dmb, CLARENCH, Collinge's patent painted axle, with pole and ultra-marine hafts: price 500, cost a few months back, only been I eight time. Nearly a Brews Here, quiet in harness, about hand Sigh, price .0 guinosa.

Chaise and Lamer price Brentford Miny be viewed on application to Mr. Thick, conchmatur, enri, Ineworth, near the Coach and Horses. particnlare can be bad of the owner, Mr. Wm. Leach, auctioneer, at offlon, 4.

inion court, city, or his residence. Iseworth. Purchasers of Carriages An esceilent assortment of aimes every description of CARRIAGEs is noy offered at prices thatwilines thai to give sten if purchased for the spring. in consequence of J. the proprietor, being about relinquish the business, and tales his of returning thank- for the kind patronage by hee enjoyed, at 3, Atkinson place, Hrixton.

The premit-en, with horse to he let. The business as repair to carriages will La buried on as usual titi the premises ace lot, and what repairs are will Le 4 74 per cent. below bin uni charge, in consequence cf aving the opportunity of using up the stock of materials now on hand. Mille at three months will be taken fut carriages purchased. Saddlery, Horse Clothing, de Chariot barness, lined throughout, best quality, 18 g4; single horse bares, lined, bras 7 strong ditto, unlined.

5 the vary Hiding bet kersey 4 cloth clothing, sad complate, 23 154 per put best addles, side 6 or. An excelien? gent on view, which for taste, qualits, and price cannot be The leather warranted, bark tanned and curried on the premi 34, Herwick cube. Saddlery, Ifarness, DA V19, 30, Strand, and 20, undertake to SUPPLY the men, and officers in the 1 ish all kinda of SAD harne, hone blankets, bridles, brushes sponges, spur, at a saving of 40 per The newisty. are respectfully invited to in-pect the largest jod best stock in kngiand, and every facility will be offered opt this the beat and cheapest house in the world. Patentee of the test lo concate and mane brushes, Families in the country can haven jet prices fer warded by nost, and all orders will be sent carriage free all parta of England, Ireland; or the pubile press, ail ex press that in the Strand, is the grent magazine for -A.

Davis, 33, Strand, and 20, Regent street. HUNTING CROPS. real MaCanes, light and strong, at 4. ditto, diver-mounted, with best theng, The above prices ittte more than half what in charged, and offer a rare tunity for Christmas presents and New eRA Riding cares, ivory and silver best Gerinan folia, 78. cloves, stuffed with hair, the set of four JOHN CHARK, Perch, 132, Oxford treet.

And where the cardener Robin, day by day, Drew me to school along the paolle way, or In Delighted arlet with mantle my baahle and conch, velvet and wrapped mm, capped. wheel chairs, from E3 to Eds, with boode, HILDREN's and INVALIDS CARRIAGE second hand a well as new spinal and chairs, children's vis a- vie phactons, barouches, from to 30 guineas I and varied collection on SALE oF HIRE, INGRAM's manufact City- road, Nin-bury square. Illustrated how. very COMFORTABLE exclam adi who sit in the NEW MEDICAL KASY CHAIR: quite an rial to Prices, complete, 144, according to size or quality. INGRAM And SONS, manufacturins terer, City Pinchure-aguare.

FIE strongest SAFES it the world against Mire Robbery, and Violence, for Cash, Books, Deede, and Document PATENT strong, wrought-iron, bold- fast THE A BATES, Closete, and Doors, resisting and by internal son-onnduction and in fire, of the best, strongest most ire proved tractien, with impregnable locks, be el The oniy cafes that are really safe in the burning cf -large as recently, proved in the great are in MarketManchester, and in 30 similar instances, where Do other safe could preserved its onutenta. and 20,000 of Miner's keep the books chy mists, iron, steam engine men of the districe, and they been in red heat fu some hun tree be by the highest scientifio practical in the three dome, patent fire bor and cheaper that and deed with bones of all superior boxes, not impromable locks, le for ail And combination At the works, London depot, 17 city, MORDAN and Co. PATENT ED CELA-4 M. and Co. CAUTION the this article to that the be quantity of found patent of leads no for value replenishing the apply also to public prodt to Landon.

MORDAN and be demand in the and to that perfect cent security from their both thief proof to furnish of many of the may be SMAN TIMER detace.

The Times from London, Greater London, England (2024)


How much time in London is enough? ›

A common consensus among travellers is that anywhere from 3 to 5 days serves as a solid foundation for exploring the major sights without feeling too rushed. For those wanting to include unique activities and lesser-known attractions, such as Putt in the Park, planning a longer stay might be beneficial.

How much money do you need in London? ›

So we're very familiar with the prices of transport, food, entertainment and more in London. Want a quick answer? We recommend budgeting around £105 plus (about $130 in US dollars) per day, per person, after paying to get there.

Can you do London in 2 days? ›

Spending just 2 days in London might sound like a challenge, but you'd be surprised how much you can see without feeling rushed. If sights like Big Ben, Buckingham Palace, and the London Eye are on your travel wish list, you're in the right place.

Is 10 days in England too long? ›

In 10 days, you can travel the length and breadth of England. Visit Big Ben and Westminster Abbey, plus icons like Buckingham Palace, Windsor, and Edinburgh Castle.

What is the best time to go to London? ›

Know More About the Best Time to Visit London

November and August see the highest rainfall in London. The summer months of May, June, July is the best time to visit London. London is less crowded during the shoulder season which comprises of Mid-September through November, March through April.

Is visiting London worth it? ›

Whether you're a history aficionado or an architecture buff, London's wealth of historical buildings and artifacts makes it a destination that's unquestionably worth visiting.

Can you live off $1,000 a month in London? ›

The question of whether you can live in London with £1,000 a month largely depends on various factors, including your accommodation, lifestyle, and financial management. But the short answer, is this: It's gonna be tough. Don't be discouraged, though! If you're determined, you can make it work.

How much is dinner in London? ›

Is Food Expensive in London? Embarking on a gastronomic journey through London may sound like an expensive venture, but fear not! With the average cost of a meal out in the capital £30 per person, based on September 2023 prices we've uncovered tips to make your culinary exploration both delightful and cost-effective.

Is $20,000 enough to live in London? ›

Can you live in London on 20k? It would be very difficult to live alone in London off of 20k net a year, requiring some serious financial planning. A budget of 20k a year translates to around £1,666 per month, of which nearly £1,000 will likely need to be paid in rent.

What is the best area to stay in London for first time visitors? ›

Top Pick for First-Timers: Covent Garden, Westminster, or Soho.

Can you walk London in a day? ›

You can't really do London in just a day 😁 But if you do only have one day in London, here's an itinerary below to see the very best this city has to offer. It's tightly packed with a lot of walking - but hopefully will show you the bits you can't miss, as well as some hidden gems.

Do Americans need a passport to go to England? ›

Entry, Exit and Visa Requirements

To enter the United Kingdom, your passport must be valid for the entire duration of your planned stay. Starting June 2019, U.S. passport holders will be able to use the ePassport Gates upon arrival in the United Kingdom.

Do I need anything to travel to London from the US? ›

You must have a valid passport to enter the UK. It should be valid for the whole of your stay. You may also need a visa, depending on which country you're from and the reason for your stay. Check if you need a visa to come to the UK.

Can US citizens travel to the UK without a visa? ›

Because Americans are known as non-visa nationals in the UK, to answer the question do American citizens need a visa for UK? They don't. American citizens are able to visit for up to six months without a visa.

How many days in London is ideal? ›

For first time visitors, we recommend spending at least four or five days in London, which will give you enough time to get a feel for the city and see many of its main sites. With so much to do and see check out this article on how you can make the most of your time in London! Related Article: Where to Stay in London.

Is it worth going to London for 4 days? ›

Four days is a solid amount of time to get a flavor of London and immerse yourself in its storied history and vibrant culture. We've put together a suggested itinerary which, while inevitably missing a few big hitters, nevertheless includes many of the bucket-list landmarks you came here for.

Is 7 days in London too long? ›

A week is an ideal amount of time to see the highlights of the city and explore a few places further afield. Whatever your passions and interests, you can find plenty of ways to take in the sights in London and discover places locals love.

Is 5 days long enough in London? ›

First-timers visiting London should spend around five days or more in the capital if they can. This allows you to do enough sightseeing while getting a real feel for the city and its people. Stay centrally and plan carefully, and you could do so much with a five day stay in London!

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Author: Dr. Pierre Goyette

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Name: Dr. Pierre Goyette

Birthday: 1998-01-29

Address: Apt. 611 3357 Yong Plain, West Audra, IL 70053

Phone: +5819954278378

Job: Construction Director

Hobby: Embroidery, Creative writing, Shopping, Driving, Stand-up comedy, Coffee roasting, Scrapbooking

Introduction: My name is Dr. Pierre Goyette, I am a enchanting, powerful, jolly, rich, graceful, colorful, zany person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.