Every Trainer In Skyrim (And Where To Find Them) (2024)

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  • Training Skills In Skyrim

  • Skyrim Alchemy Trainer Locations

  • Skyrim Alteration Trainer Locations

  • Skyrim Archery Trainer Locations

  • Skyrim Block Trainer Locations

  • Skyrim Conjuration Trainer Locations

  • Skyrim Destruction Trainer Locations

  • Skyrim Enchanting Trainer Locations

  • Skyrim Heavy Armor Trainer Locations

  • Skyrim Illusion Trainer Locations

  • Skyrim Light Armor Trainer Locations

  • Skyrim Lockpicking Trainer Locations

  • Skyrim One-Handed Trainer Locations

  • Skyrim Pickpocket Trainer Locations

  • Skyrim Restoration Trainer Locations

  • Skyrim Smithing Trainer Locations

  • Skyrim Sneak Trainer Locations

  • Skyrim Speech Trainer Locations

  • Skyrim Two-Handed Trainer Locations

Skills are the bread and butter of Skyrim, the one thing that truly defines a character. The skills in Skyrim can be roughly divided into three: Mage, Warrior, and Thief. While you can make your own mix of whatever skills you'd best like to use during your adventures, specializing in a certain skill category is always more beneficial in the long run.

In order to progress in your skills, you need to actually practice them. For players who want to train skills and level up faster, there are tons of Skyrim trainers in the mainland, Solstheim, and beyond, all willing to teach what they know in exchange for coin.

Updated January 19, 2024 by Erik Petrovich: Finding all Skyrim skill trainer locations can be tedious, as trainers of various skill ceilings are spread throughout the deeps and reaches of Skyrim (and some are locked behind DLC and questlines). But before worrying about finding all Skyrim skill trainers, it's a good idea to get a feel for what each skill actually contributes to a build. There's no point focusing on Illusion magic if you want to paralyze enemies and transmute items, and there's little use in training Block as a dual-wielding maniac. Each section in this guide to all trainers in Skyrim now includes some examples of what to expect from each skill tree, as well as more distinct groupings for each trainer's location.

Training Skills In Skyrim

Every Trainer In Skyrim (And Where To Find Them) (1)

There are a few things to keep in mind when it comes to using Trainers in Skyrim, especially if you plan to use them to max out a skill as fast as possible. Skills cost increasing amounts of gold to train as players level up, to the point that training one or two Skill Points can cost more than 10,000 gold.

However, this is also when leveling skills is most difficult as there is more XP required to rank up. Try to avoid training your main skills until at least after level 50, and instead use Trainers to level the skills you won't use too often but still come in handy, like Lockpicking or Block.



The world of Skyrim is filled with two-handed weapons. Here's a look are some of the absolute best available and how to get them.

Additionally, there is a limit to the number of times you can train at every level. Players can only use the services of a Trainer five times every level, which carries over across NPCs and skills. This means you can't get five skill-ups for every Skill at every level.

However, leveling up a skill with a Trainer still counts towards overall player level progression. Because of this, leveling up while training skills is a very common occurrence, essentially letting you improve a skill 10 times in a single session if you're close enough to the next player level.

Skyrim Alchemy Trainer Locations

Every Trainer In Skyrim (And Where To Find Them) (3)




DLC & Other Requirements


0-50 (Adept)




0-75 (Expert)



Milore Ienth

0-75 (Expert)

Raven Rock

Must own Dragonborn DLC (or Special Edition)


0-90 (Master)

Dark Brotherhood Sanctuary

Must be a member of Dark Brotherhood

Alchemy allows you to brew powerful poisons or useful cures and potions. A high Alchemy skill lets players brew better potions and poisons, brew greater numbers at once, use rarer materials for more exotic effects, and more.

Arcadia in Whiterun not only runs an ingredient store but also gives Expert level training.

In Morthal, Lami can give you Adept level training.

If you're an assassin of the Dark Brotherhood, young vampire Babette can teach you at Expert level. Owners of the Dragonborn DLC can head to Raven Rock and speak to Milore Ienth for Expert level training, too.

Skyrim Alteration Trainer Locations

Every Trainer In Skyrim (And Where To Find Them) (4)




DLC & Other Requirements


0-75 (Expert)




0-90 (Master)

College of Winterhold

Must be a member of the College of Winterhold

Alteration is the art of bending reality, through magical armor or candlelight spells. Players who use the Alteration school of magic are able to cast defensive and utility spells for themselves, alter the physical properties of enemies (to cause Paralysis, for example), and even transmute items. Only two experts in Skyrim can train you in this school.

If you're at the college, you can simply speak to Tolfdir who can train you at Master level.

You can also head to Kynesgrove and talk to Dravynea, who can train you in Alteration at Expert level.

Skyrim Archery Trainer Locations

Every Trainer In Skyrim (And Where To Find Them) (5)




DLC & Other Requirements


0-50 (Adept)



Aela the Huntress

0-75 (Expert)


Must be a member of the Companions


0-90 (Master)

Thieves Guild

Must be a member of the Thieves Guild

Sorine Jurard

0-90 (Master)

Fort Dawnguard

Must own the Dawnguard DLC (or Special Edition)

Archery will serve any ranged fighters well, as it's the primary skill that Bows and other ranged weapons rely on. A high Archery skill unlocks the ability to zoom and slow time, deal extra damage with different types of shots, and grant a higher chance to recover ammo. Four trainers can be found in Skyrim, not counting Angi at Angi's Camp who gives a special quest related to Archery.

In Riverwood, Faendal can give you Adept level training.

For Expert level training, head over to Whiterun and seek out Aaela the Huntress among the Companions.

Niruin in Riften, in The Ragged Flagon, provides you with Master level training.

Finally, Sorine Jurard located in Fort Dawnguard will give you Master level training if you happen to own the Dawnguard DLC.

Skyrim Block Trainer Locations

Every Trainer In Skyrim (And Where To Find Them) (6)




DLC & Other Requirements

Njada Stonearm

0-75 (Expert)


Must be a member of the Companions


0-90 (Master)

Mor Khagur

Must prove trustworthiness to Orcs

Block is the art of using your shield to defend against attacks. It's a simple skill, with upgrades that improve players' ability to mitigate damage and unlock Shield-related special abilities. There are only two trainers in all of Skyrim, but they're easy to find.

Njada Stonearm in Whiterun, a member of the Companions, will provide you with Expert level training.

Larak, found in Mor Khazgur, will also give you Master level training, however, you'll need to access the Orsimer strongholds by proving yourself.

Skyrim Conjuration Trainer Locations

Every Trainer In Skyrim (And Where To Find Them) (7)




DLC & Other Requirements


0-50 (Adept)



Phinis Gestor

0-75 (Expert)

College of Winterhold

Must be a member of the College of Winterhold


0-90 (Master)



Talvas Fathryon

0-90 (Master)

Tel Mithryn

Must own the Dragonborn DLC (or Special Edition)

If you'd like apparitions from other planes to assist you in battle, Conjuration is for you. This school lets players summon a Daedric companion, usually tied to an element, which can be extremely powerful for combat. But it's also a good school for those looking to improve their defenses as it lets a mage summon Bound Weapons and Bound Armor, temporarily.

Runil in Falkreath will give you the basics at Adept level.

After that, join the College of Winterhold to speak with Phinis Gestor, who will train you at Expert level.

In Morthal, Falion can also train you at Expert level.

If you own the Dragonborn DLC, Talvas Fathryon in Tel Mithryn can train you at Master level.



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Skyrim Destruction Trainer Locations

Every Trainer In Skyrim (And Where To Find Them) (9)




DLC & Other Requirements

Wuunferth the Unliving

0-50 (Adept)



Sybille Stentor

0-75 (Master)




0-90 (Master)

College of Winterhold

Must be a member of the College of Winterhold

Destruction magic consists of devastating, elemental spells. Your typical fireballs, frostbolts, lightning bolts, and other spells that deal direct HP damage tend to fall under the Destruction school. It's an important one for almost every mage to level up.

In Windhelm, Wuunferth the Unliving, found within the Palace of Kings, can train you at Adept level.

Owners of Dawnguard can speak to Garan Marethi in Castle Volkihar for Expert level training. In Solitude's Blue Palace, Sybille Stentor can also train you at Expert level.

Finally, members of the College can speak to Faralda, who can train you at Master level.

Skyrim Enchanting Trainer Locations

Every Trainer In Skyrim (And Where To Find Them) (10)




DLC & Other Requirements

Sergius Turrianus

0-75 (Expert)

College of Winterhold

Must be a member of the College of Winterhold


0-90 (Master)




0-90 (Master)

Tel Mithryn

Must own the Dragonborn DLC (or Special Edition)

Enchanting allows you to add powerful boosts to your weapons and gear. Improving Enchanting lets players put better Enchants on their gear, use different materials for Enchanting, and generally improve their proficiency with this profession.

If you're a member of the College, Sergius Turrianus can train you at Expert level.

In Markarth, Hamal can train you at Master level.

Finally, owners of the Dragonborn DLC can head to Tel Mithryn and speak with Neloth who can train you at Master level.

Skyrim Heavy Armor Trainer Locations

Every Trainer In Skyrim (And Where To Find Them) (11)




DLC & Other Requirements


0-75 (Expert)

Dushnikh Yal

Must prove trustworthiness to Orcs


0-90 (Master)


Must be a member of the Companions


0-90 (Master)

Fort Dawnguard

Must own the Dawnguard DLC (or Special Edition)


0-90 (Master)

Bujold's Retreat

Must own the Dragonborn DLC (or Special Edition)

Heavy Armor is great for blocking tons of damage at close range. Improving the Heavy Armor skill improves one's ability to maneuver while wearing a full set, improves defenses outright, and even reflect enemy's melee attacks back against them.

You can find an Expert level trainer Gharol in Dushnik Yal. After completing the quest Proving Honor, Farkas in Whiterun becomes a Master level trainer.

If you have the Dawnguard DLC, Isran in Fort Dawnguard is a Master level trainer.

Alternatively, if you own the Dragonborn DLC, Kuvar located in Bujold's Retreat is a Master level trainer as well.


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Skyrim Illusion Trainer Locations

Every Trainer In Skyrim (And Where To Find Them) (13)




DLC & Other Requirements


0-75 (Expert)


Must prove trustworthiness to Orcs

Drevis neloren

0-90 (Master)

College of Winterhold

Must be a member of the College of Winterhold

Illusion is a school of magic focused on tricking the enemy's mind and senses. Different from Alteration, Illusion is meant to confuse or bewilder targets, not necessarily actually change properties about them. An Illusionist, then, can scare enemies into submission, encourage their allies, and turn themselves "invisible". Only two trainers exist in Skyrim, and are not necessarily easy to access either.

If you're a member of the College of Winterhold, Drevis Neloren can teach you at Master level.

Alternatively, if you have access to Orsimer strongholds, you can speak to Atub at Largashbur for Expert level training.

Skyrim Light Armor Trainer Locations

Every Trainer In Skyrim (And Where To Find Them) (14)




DLC & Other Requirements


0-50 (Adept)




0-75 (Expert)




0-90 (Master)

Dark Brotherhood Sanctuary

Must be a member of the Dark Brotherhood

If speed is your thing and you want to be light on your feet, Light Armor is ideal for you. Improving Light Armor improves one's ability to maneuver in a variety of ways, and its ultimate skill grants the wearer a chance to totally avoid melee attacks with a full set equipped.

Outside of Windhelm, you'll find an Argonian named Scouts-Many-Marshes who can give you Adept level training.

In Riften, Grelka offers Expert level training should you head to the marketplace.

If you're already part of the Dark Brotherhood, you can also seek out Nazir, who'll be happy to train you at Master level.

Skyrim Lockpicking Trainer Locations

Every Trainer In Skyrim (And Where To Find Them) (15)




DLC & Other Requirements


0-75 (Expert)

Windhelm to Solitude Caravan



0-90 (Master)

Theives Guild

Must be a member of the Theives Guild

No doors or chests will remain inaccessible should you invest in Lockpicking. Easy enough to level on its own due to how many locked chests there are in the world, only two trainers exist in all of Skyrim.

Vex from the Thieves Guild will train you at Master level, provided you're a member of the Guild.

If you happen to come across a Khajiit caravan, a Khajiit named Ma'jhad will also offer Expert level training.

Skyrim One-Handed Trainer Locations

Every Trainer In Skyrim (And Where To Find Them) (16)




DLC & Other Requirements


0-50 (Adept)




0-75 (Expert)


Must be a member of the Companions


0-90 (Master)

Dushnukh Yal

Must prove trustworthiness to Orcs

If you'd like to overwhelm your enemies with speed, One-Handed is perfect. Two-Handed weapons can overwhelm a foe, but the One-Handed tree is more focused on speed and dextrous attacks, especially for Dual Wielding. This tree increases attack speed, reduces Stamina, and unlocks a few special attacks for One-Handed weapons alone.

In Whiterun, Amren can provide you with Adept level training.

Still in Whiterun, Athis, a member of the Companions, can give you Expert level training.

If you have access to the Orsimer strongholds, you can head over to Dushnik Yal and seek Master level training from Burguk.



There are a handful of daggers strewn throughout Skyrim that are incredibly powerful. Here's a look at the best of the bunch and where to find them.

Skyrim Pickpocket Trainer Locations

Every Trainer In Skyrim (And Where To Find Them) (18)




DLC & Other Requirements

Silda the Unseen

0-75 (Expert)



Vipir the Fleet

0-90 (Master)

Thieves Guild

Must be a member of the Thieves Guild

Other people's belongings are now yours, through Pickpocketing. A higher Pickpocketing skill gives players a variety of bonuses to the minigame, like outright increased chance to succeed, but also the ability to pickpocket things onto your target, like poisoned apples. But it's risky to practice, and it's also hard to find someone who'll actually train you.

In Windhelm, you can ask Silda the Unseen to train you at Expert level. She'll usually be wandering around Candlehearth Hall.

In the Thieves Guild, Vipir the Fleet will train you at Master level.

Skyrim Restoration Trainer Locations

Every Trainer In Skyrim (And Where To Find Them) (19)




DLC & Other Requirements

Keeper Carcette

0-50 (Adept)

Hall of the Vigilant (Dawnstar)


Aphia Velothi

0-50 (Adept)

Raven Rock

Must own the Dragonborn DLC (or Special Edition)

Colette Marence

0-75 (Expert)

College of Winterhold

Must be a member of the College of Winterhold

Danica Pure-Spring

0-90 (Master)


Must complete "The Blessings of Nature" quest

Florentius Baenius

0-90 (Master)

Fort Dawnguard

Must own the Dawnguard DLC (or Special Edition)

Restoration is defensive, healing magic that can support you and your companions in battle. Though Skyrim isn't multiplayer, focusing on Restoration can still be helpful for supporting a group of summons, followers, or other "party" members – including friendly NPCs in scripted events. You can, of course, heal yourself very effectively with this school of magic, too.

For Adept level training, you can either speak to Keeper Carcette in Hall of the Vigilant or Aphia Velothi in Raven Rock if you own the Dragonborn DLC.

At the College, Colette Marence can train you at Expert level.

In Whiterun, Danica Pure-Spring in the Temple of Kynareth will train you at Master level after completing the quest The Blessings of Nature. Additionally, in Fort Dawnguard in the Dawnguard DLC, Florentius Baenius will train you at Master level.

Skyrim Smithing Trainer Locations

Every Trainer In Skyrim (And Where To Find Them) (20)




DLC & Other Requirements

Ghorza gra-Bagol

0-50 (Adept)




0-75 (Expert)



Eorlund Gray-Mane

0-90 (Master)


Must be a member of the Companions


0-90 (Master)

Fort Dawnguard

Must own the Dawnguard DLC (or Special Edition)

Smithing allows you to create better armor and weapons in a variety of ways. Improving the skill unlocks more smithing options and the ability to make better gear, usually by unlocking a branch of smithing entirely – like Orcish weapons, Ebony armor, Glass gear, and more.

There are four Smithing trainers in all of Skyrim. Ghorza gra-Bagol is Adept level, and found in Markarth.

In Riften, you'll find Balimund, who's Expert level.

In Whiterun, Eorlund Gray-Mane is a Master level trainer for those who are members of the Companions. In Fort Dawnguard in the Dawnguard DLC, Gunmar is another Master level Smithing trainer.


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Skyrim Sneak Trainer Locations

Every Trainer In Skyrim (And Where To Find Them) (22)




DLC & Other Requirements


0-50 (Adept)

Whiterun to Markarth Caravan



0-75 (Expert)



Delvin Mallory

0-90 (Master)

Thieves Guild

Must be a member of the Thieves Guild

An ideal skill for those who prefer to travel the shadows, Sneak is a staple for thieves. Improving one's ability to Sneak directly improves your ability to stay out of NPCs' sight and alert range, but also unlocks some new moves and th ability to deal extra damage with Sneak Attacks. Later on, high Sneak players can avoid triggering traps and even disappear from combat.

If you happen to catch a Khajiit caravan, try and find a Khajiit known as Khayla, who can train you in Sneaking at Adept level.

In Markarth, seek out Garvey who can give you Expert level training.

Head over to Riften's Ragged Flagon and speak to Delvin Mallory, who can train you at Master level.

Skyrim Speech Trainer Locations

Every Trainer In Skyrim (And Where To Find Them) (23)




DLC & Other Requirements


0-50 (Adept)

Riften to Dawnstar Caravan


Revyn Sadri

0-50 (Adept)




0-75 (Expert)

Castle Volikhar

Must have sided with Vampires in Dawnguard DLC


0-75 (Expert)



Giraud Gemane

0-90 (Master)

Bard's College


Speech is the art of influencing others with your words, which in Skyrim means bartering and passing dialogue checks. By leveling Speech, one improves their ability to sell items for the right value, gains the ability to invest in stores, can sell more thanks to extra money at merchants, and improves your chance to succeed with Persuasion and Intimidation checks. While Speech is easy to level up by bartering with vendors, there are also five trainers in Skyrim to help you.

In Windhelm, Revyn Sadri can train you at Adept level. If you find a Khajiit caravan, seek out a Khajiit named Dro'marash, who can also train you at Adept level.

In Markarth, Ogmund from the Silver-Blood Inn will train you at Expert level, and owners of the Dawnguard DLC can ask Ronthil in Castle Volkihar to train them at Expert level too.

Giraud Gemane in Solitude's Bards College can train you at Master level.

Skyrim Two-Handed Trainer Locations

Every Trainer In Skyrim (And Where To Find Them) (24)




DLC & Other Requirements

Torbjorn Shatter-Shield

0-75 (Expert)




0-90 (Master)


Must be a member of the Companions

Fura Bloodmouth

0-90 (Master)

Castle Volikhar

Must have sided with Vampires in Dawnguard DLC

Wulf Wild-Blood

0-90 (Master)

Skaal Village

Must own the Dragonborn DLC (or Special Edition)

Two-Handed swords are a classic choice for a fighter. While One-Handed weapons are made for fast, rapid attacks, nothing quite compares to the crushing might of a heavy Two-Handed weapon. Leveling this skill will increase damage, cause new effects, and unlock new attacks.

To level up fast, you can find Torbjorn Shatter-Shield in Windhelm who can provide you with Expert level training.

In Whiterun, Vilkar, a member of the Companions, will also train you at Master level.

Owners of the Dawnguard DLC can find Fura Bloodmouth in Castle Volkihar for Master level training and those with the Dragonborn DLC should find Wulf Wild-Blood in Skaal Village for Master level training.

Every Trainer In Skyrim (And Where To Find Them) (25)
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November 11, 2011

M for Mature: Use of Alcohol, Blood and Gore, Intense Violence, Sexual Themes
Every Trainer In Skyrim (And Where To Find Them) (2024)
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Name: Domingo Moore

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Hobby: Kayaking, Roller skating, Cabaret, Rugby, Homebrewing, Creative writing, amateur radio

Introduction: My name is Domingo Moore, I am a attractive, gorgeous, funny, jolly, spotless, nice, fantastic person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.